Damsel Girl is a fairly new superheroine with a fairly big ego. She is confident in her abilities and has no fear despite the recent disappearances of multiple prominent superheroines. Damsel Girl believes that she can solve the case and save the day without issue. She's hot on the trail as the mystery leads her to your pharmaceutical company. She suspects there may be evil doers secretly concocting pharmaceuticals that are potent enough to KO even the strongest superheroines. She tells you this as she gulps the water you offered her. Bad move. She soon starts slurring her words and can barely keep her eyes open. Just before succumbing to darkness Damsel Girl realizes it was you all along!
When she wakes up she finds herself nearly naked. Her pantyhose and skirt have been pulled down to her knees and her top had been pulled. She quickly fixes her costume before demanding to be released. There is no response. She walks around the empty room talking to herself about her next moves but once again she starts to feel heavy. Her mind is clouded as she talks to her own reflection. Finally she realizes something is wrong. She gets down on her knees and sniffs the vent. They must have released something into the room! She tries to keep her composure but it's no use!
Once again Damsel Girl has been bested. She finds herself naked and exposed, having to fix her costume a second time. She's angry, confused and maybe a bit worried. What if she becomes the next superheroine to disappear? She gives herself a pep talk and tries to summon her strength. Just as she's about to bust down the door you reveal yourself. You've been with her the whole time, completely invisible thanks to a specialized mask. Well, now that you've revealed yourself she's gonna take you down! Or that was the plan until your mask started doing some funny swirly stuff. She becomes mesmerized and soon you have complete control of her. One snap and she falls to darkness.
Now that you've successfully used the mask on her, Damsel Girl is under your control. Her fears will become reality as she joins the list of missing superheroines.